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Session Laws, 1917 Session
Volume 484, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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a. Any public building, place, structure, waters or other
property, real or. personal, of any kind or character whatso-
ever, within this State, belonging to or leased by this State,
or any county or municipality thereof; including wharves,
piers, locks and docks, bridges, culverts, sewers and highways;
conduits, pipe lines, canals, reservoirs, mills, dams, races and
other structures, equipment and apparatus used in supplying
water to the public or any portion thereof; municipal gas
and electric light and power plants; buoys, beacons, lights and
water marks; and including, in every case, any and all poles,
lines, wires, dynamos, pipes, conduits, stations, connections,
materials, supplies, apparatus and equipment of any and every
kind connected with any of such property; and including all
other public property of every description.

b. Any water, gas, electric light or power, transmission,
telephone, telegraph, canal or turnpike property or plant, with-
in this State, belonging to or leased by any corporation, firm
or individual, and used in supplying or serving the public or
any portion of the public, including any and all poles, lines,
dynamos, wires, pipes, conduits, connections, stations, canals,
mills, dams, races, reservoirs, locks, docks, wharves, materials,
supplies and other property, apparatus and equipment of any
and every kind, connected with any such plants or property.

• c. Any mill, warehouse, storage house, manufactory, print-
ing or publishing plant, mechanical plant, mercantile estab-
lishment, abattoir, place where horses, cattle, stock, meats or
food of any kind may be kept or stored, within this State,
including any and all machinery, apparatus, equipment and
appurtenances connected therewith.

d. Any steam or electric railroad property, within this
State, including all tracks, spurs, trains, engines, cars, rolling
stock, stations, depots, round-houses, warehouses, yards, tun-
nels, culverts, bridges, viaducts, plants and other property, ap-
paratus and equipment of any and every kind connected there-

e. Any steamship or steamboat property, within this State,
including all ships, boats, vessels, wharves, piers, docks, ware-
houses and any and all apparatus, equipment and appurte-
nances connected therewith.


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Session Laws, 1917 Session
Volume 484, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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