No. 30. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
26 of Article 6 of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Caro-
line County," sub-title "Federalsburg," as the same was enacted
by Chapter 555 of the Acts of 1912, and to add an additional
section to said Article, said title and said sub-title, authorizing
the Commissioners of Federalsburg to borrow money on the
credit of said town and to provide means for the payment of the
same and the interest to accrue thereon, said new section to
follow Section 26 as amended and to be designated as Section
No. 31. An Act authorizing and directing the County Commis-
sioners of Montgomery County to issue bonds to an amount not
to exceed thirty thousand dollars, for the purpose of rebuild-
ing and improving the public highways running through the
town of Rockville, beginning at the corporate limits of said town
where the outline of the property of the Agricultural Society of
Montgomery County intersects the same, and running to the
corporate limits of said town on the Frederick Road, and to the
corporate limits of said town on the road leading to Darnes-
town, and to the corporate limits of said town on the road
leading to Norbeck, connecting at each of the four points named.
with improved highways already in existence, and the public
highway running through the town of Kensington, beginning at
the intersection of the corporate limits of said town with the
State Aid Road leading from Chevy Chase to Kensington, and
running thence along Connecticut Avenue, in said town, north to
Howard Avenue; thence east on Howard Avenue to the Balti-
more and Ohio Railroad Crossing ; thence north on St. Paul
Street to the corporate limits of said town where it intersects
the macadam road leading from Kensington to Wheaton, at
which latter point it intersects the State Road leading from the
line of the District of Columbia to Olney ; and the public high-
way running through the town of Poolesville in said County, be-
ginning at the end of the State road from Dawsonville to Pooles-
ville, and running thence along the main street of said town
to its connection with the State Aid Road leading from Pooles-
ville to Barnesville, and to levy and collect taxes on the taxable
property in said County for the payment of said bonds and
coupons thereon....... .......................................
No. 32. An Act to provide for the examination and licensing by
the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles of persons between the ages