No. 18. An Act to pay the claim of the Dulany-Vernay Company
for supplies, stationery and materials for the use of the Execu-
tive Department and the General Assembly of Maryland for the
Session of 1916...............................................
No. 19. An Act to provide for extending, during the continuance
of the present war, the time limited by the laws of this State
for the institution of legal proceedings, by citizens who are un-
able to institute the same, within the time so limited, because
of absence from the State in the military or naval service of
the United States, and in case of the death or insanity of such
No. 20. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Sub-sec-
tion (3) of Section 148. of Article 56 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, title "Licenses," sub-title "Motor Vehicles," as re-
pealed and re-enacted by Chapter 687 of the Acts of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland passed at its session of 1916, and to
create the State Board of Motor Vehicle Headlight Inspection.
No. 21. An Act authorizing the Governor to declare successive
legal holidays, during the period of the present war, whenever
he deems that the public interests so require, and declaring the
effect thereof..................................................
No. 22. An Act providing for the suspension or stay, during the
continuance of the present war, of civil proceedings, at law or
in equity, instituted by or against persons in the National Guard
or Naval Militia or in the Maryland State Guard while on active
service, or in the military or naval service of the United States,
and prescribing the manner, duration, terms and extent of
application of such suspension or stay ........................
No. 23. An Act to provide for the suspension or stay, during the
continuance of the present war, of any judgment, order or de-
cree, levy, right of entry or foreclosure, lien, power of sale, for-
feiture or default, on application by or on behalf of persons
against whom or against whose property interest the same may
be executed or enforced, and who are unable, by reason of mili-
tary or naval service, to make payment or satisfaction thereof;
and prescribing the. manner, duration, terms and extent of ap-
plication of such suspension or stay...........................