SEC. 32. The style of all ordinances shall be: "Be it enacted
and ordained by the Mayor and Common Council of Hyatts-
ville," and all suits at law for the violations of any rules, ordi-
nances, regulations and by-laws shall be instituted in the name
of the Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville, against
offending parties, and all fines recovered in such suits at law for
the breach of any rule, ordinance, regulations or by-laws of the
corporation, before any justice of the peace of Prince George's
county, resident in said town, shall be collected by said justice
and paid over to the treasurer of said corporation within one
month after the collection of the same, and the said justice shall
render an account to the Mayor and Common Council every
month, or oftener, if required, of the amount so received by him,
and in the event of failure of any justice to account for and of
said collections, he shall be fined and pay not less than one hun-
dred dollars, to be imposed and collected as other fines imposed
by the penal laws of the State.
SEC. 33. All streets, avenues, roads and alleys in the corpo-
rate limits of Hyattsville are hereby declared to be under the
supervision and control of the Mayor and Common Council, but
hereafter no street, avenue, road or alley shall be accepted until
same has been graded and graveled or macadamized.
SEC. 34. That in all cases where any municipal work of what-
ever character is to be done within the corporate limits of
Hyattsville, the estimated cost of which shall exceed two hun-
dred dollars, the Common Council shall invite proposals for
said work by advertisement for two weeks in some newspaper
printed in Hyattsville, at such reasonable compensation as the
Mayor and Common Council shall determine, and the said
Mayor and Common Council shall, in all cases, award the con-
tract for such work to the lowest bidders therefor, reserving at
all times the right to reject any and all bids received.
SEC. 35. No public franchise of any kind shall be leased or
alienated except pursuant to a vote of the voters of the town,
had after ten days' notice and upon such regulation as the
Mayor and Common Council shall prescribe.
SEC. 36. The Mayor and Common Council shall have and ex-
ercise all powers heretofore granted to the Mayor and Common
Council of Hyattsville by any Act of the General Assembly not
hereby expressly repealed, except so far as the same be modified
by this Act, and shall assume and be liable for all obligations
assumed by the Mayor and Common Council of Hyattsville, and
heretofore imposed by any Act of the General Assembly not ex-
pressly repealed by this Act, and all officers of said town shall,
until the election or appointment and qualification of their suc-