uals who may bring into any "Anti-Saloon Territory" upon
their person or as their personal baggage, and for their private
use, such liquor in quantity not to exceed one gallon, nor to
physicians or druggists to whom any public carrier may deliver
such goods in unbroken packages, in quantity not to exceed five
gallons at any one time, nor to deliveries to churches, or the
proper officers thereof of wine in unbroken packages for sacra-
mental purposes, nor to deliver at private residences which are
not places of business or public resorts by manufacturers or
wholesalers, by their own conveyances in unbroken packages of
liquors, the contract for the sale of which was consummated
outside of "Anti-Saloon Territory," nor to deliveries within any
city which is not "Anti-Saloon Territory" throughout its entire
extent; nor to shipments of liquor in continuous transits to a
point outside of such anti-saloon territory; this section shall
apply to all packages of intoxicating liquor whether broken or
unbroken. Each package of intoxicating liquor regardless of
the name by which it may be called, accepted, received, carried,
transferred, handled, delivered or distributed in violation of
the provisions of this section shall constitute a separate of-
fense, the acceptance, receiving, carrying, transferring, han-
dling, delivering or distribution of intoxicating liquor under
false or fictitious names in an "Anti-Saloon Territory" shall
work a forfeiture of such liquor. It is further expressly pro-
vided that no provision of this section is intended or shall be
construed to violate or be in conflict with any provision of the
Constitution and laws of the United States respecting inter-
state commerce, but this section and all parts of same are in-
tended to prohibit the acceptance, receiving, carrying, trans-
fering, handling, delivery or distribution as herein provided,
of intoxicating liquor to such extent only as the same is not ex-
pressly permitted under the Constitution and laws of the
United States. If any provision of this section shall be held to
be void or unconstitutional, it is hereby provided that all other
portions of same which are not expressly held to be void or un-
constitutional shall continue in full force and effect.
SEC. 21. And be it further enacted, That all prosecutions for
violations of this Act, which are hereby declared to be misde-
meanors may be either upon presentment or indictment, or by
trial before a justice of the peace having criminal jurisdiction,
who shall have jurisdiction, original and concurrent with the
Circuit Court for Garrett county; and the said justice shall
have the power to issue all process, and to do all acts which
may be necessary to the exercise of his said jurisdiction, and
may try and determine all cases whereof he may have jurisdic
tion, and may pronounce judgment and sentence therein, in the