cases where such a record or certificate shows that a majority
of the legal voters voting upon said proposition voted "Yes," the
same shall be conclusive evidence that the political sub-division
to which such vote was applicable has become "Anti-Saloon
Territory." Unless the proclamation of the Supervisors of
Election shall be reversed after a contest of the election in ac-
cordance with the provisions of section 24 of this Act.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That all the territory
within any political sub-division which has become "Anti-Sa-
loon Territory" shall continue to be "Anti-Saloon Territory"
throughout its entire extent notwithstanding any change that
may be made in the limits of said such political sub-division
until the legal voters thereof have voted according to provisions
of this Act. To discontinue such anti-saloon territory and the
following section shall be construed in harmony herewith. In
all "Anti-Saloon Territory," during the time that it continues
to be "Anti-Saloon Territory" the operation of all laws provid-
ing for the restriction, regulation or prohibition of the sale of
intoxicating liquors within any portion or the whole of such
territory so far as inconsistent with its status as "Anti-Saloon
Territory" shall be suspended.
SEC. 9. And be it further enacted, That upon the filing in the
office of the Supervisors of Election at least sixty days before
an election in any political sub-division of a petition directed
to such Supervisors of Election containing the signatures of
legal voters of an "Anti-Saloon Territory" or district in num-
ber not less than one-fourth of the total vote cast therein at the
last election to submit to the voters thereof the proposition,
"Shall this political sub-division or district continue to
be 'Anti-Saloon Territory,' " provided such petition corresponds
in all other respects with the petition in this Act before de-
scribed, such proposition shall be submitted at such election to
the voters of such political sub-division or district, and the pro-
visions of section one (1), four (4), five (5), six (6) and seven
(7) of this Act shall apply in all respects so far as applicable
to the proposition, "Shall this political sub-division or
district continue to be 'Anti-Saloon Territory' " to the submis-
sion of such proposition to such voters, to the position therefor,
to the recording of the vote thereon and to the proof and evi-
dence of the petition and vote, except that in a district such
proposition shall be submitted by separate ballot. If a major-
ity of the legal voters voting upon such last-mentioned proposi-
tion in any such political sub-division or district vote. No such
political sub-division or district shall cease to be "Anti-Saloon
Territory," and all laws providing for the restriction, regula-