Circuit Court aforesaid, a bond to the State of Maryland in a
penalty which the County Commissioners shall fix, but such
penalty shall not be less than thirty thousand dollars. The
said bond shall be executed by the official himself and by one
or more sureties, or by a guaranty or bonding company, incor-
porated under the laws of said State, as surety, and the condi-
tion of said bond shall be as follows: "That if the above boun-
den shall well and faithfully execute his office of clerk,
treasurer and collector of county taxes, in Dorchester county,
and shall, in all things, well and faithfully perform the duties
thereof, then this obligation to be void, but otherwise to remain
in full force, effect and virtue in law." The said bonds and the
surety or sureties thereon shall be approved by the County Com-
missioners and such approval shall be endorsed on the same,
before they are filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit
Court aforesaid, and they shall be recorded by said clerk, and
any certified copy thereof shall be admitted and received in evi-
dence in any of the courts of the said. State. When a guaranty
or bonding company is surety on either of said bonds, the
County Commissioners shall levy such sum as may be necessary
to defray the expenses of such bonds. And in case of a vacancy
in said office, the person appointed to fill said vacancy shall,
before he enters upon the discharge of the duties of said office,
execute similar bonds which shall be approved, filed and re-
corded as directed in the case of the bonds, mentioned in this
section, and the County Commissioners, upon appointing a per-
son to fill a vacancy, shall, by their order, to be entered on
their Minutes of Proceedings, name the person appointed, and
shall prescribe the penalty to be inserted in said bonds re-
spectively, and specify the time within which the same must be
108. The clerk, treasurer and collector, subject to the ap-
proval of the County Commissioners, shall be entitled to ap-
point such assistants, deputy or deputies, as he may deem neces-
sary and proper, for the faithful and efficient performance of
the work and duties of his said office. Provided that the com-
pensation for such assistant or assistants deputy or deputies
shall be fixed with the approval of the County Commissioners
but not more than the aggregate sum of seven hundred dollars
shall be paid by the county, to such assistants or deputies, how-
ever many may be appointed. Each assistant or deputy, before
he enters upon the discharge of his said office, shall take and
subscribe the official oath directed by the State Constitution,
and he shall execute such bond or bonds to the said clerk,
county treasurer and collector as said official may require.