the Baltimore City Charter, with any person, persons, company
or corporation for the work of opening, grading, curbing and
paving the streets, avenues, lanes and alleys of the Annex,
as intended by this Act, or to employ the necessary laborers,
help and assistants, skilled and unskilled, and perform the
work under their own supervision. The costs and expenses of
said work, and all necessary expenses of this commission to
be paid out of the loan, as provided in section 1 of this Act,
upon vouchers, approved by the said commission or its chair-
man, and presented to the Comptroller and City Register of the
city of Baltimore.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1908.
AN ACT to authorize the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
to issue the stock of said corporation to an amount not
exceeding three million dollars for the purpose of extending
the park system of the city of Baltimore, and of developing
and improving the said park system as now existing or as
so extended, and for the acquisition, establishment and im-
provement of boulevards or parkways, and for the acquisi-
tion of lands and interest therein for the establishment of a
"Civic Centre" or general centre district for public or other
buildings, and a public square or squares at such times and
in such manner as the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore
may by ordinance or ordinances prescribe. And also to em-
power the said Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to dele-
gate to the Board of Park Commissioners of the city of
Baltimore, by special ordinance or by the annual ordinance
of estimates, the power to expend the proceeds of said stock,
or such portion thereof as may be designated by ordinance
for the purpose of acquiring said property, or to delegate to
the said Board of Park Commissioners the power to expend
so much of said proceeds as may by ordinance be set apart
for the improvement and development of the parks, without
regard to the provisions of section 840, article 4, entitled
"City of Baltimore," Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland,
as finally amended by chapter 158 of the Acts of the General
Assembly of Maryland, approved March 23, 1906; and also to
empower the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore to acquire
by condemnation or otherwise, lands or interest therein, lying
wholly without, or wholly or partly in the city of Baltimore.