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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 422   View pdf image (33K)
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missioners a statement, giving the name of the persons con-
victed, or whose recognizance has been forfeited, the "date of
conviction or forfeiture, the charge on which arrested, the
amount of the fine or forfeiture, and a reference to the docket
and folio in which the trial is recorded.

134. If the sheriff of Baltimore county, or any justice
of the peace, shall violate any of the provisions of this sub-
title, he shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not less
than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars
for each and every offense.

135. All articles and sections of the Code of Public
General Laws, and all Acts or parts of Acts heretofore or
hereafter passed, making any application of fines and for-
feitures or portions thereof, inconsistent with the provisions
of this sub-title, shall be construed as meaning that, in Balti-
more county the whole of such fines and forfeitures shall be
paid to the County Commissioners of said county for the use
of the county, unless it be specifically stated therein that in
Baltimore county they shall be otherwise disposed of.

136. The County Commissioners are authorized and re-
quired to provide, equip and maintain a fire department for
the protection of property against fire in such parts of said
county as they, in the exercise of their judgment and discre-
tion, may deem necessary.

137. In establishing such department they shall provide
all such proper fire engines and instruments, with sufficient
equipments necessary therefor, to be used for the preservatio-
of property in said districts with full power and authority also
to employ and dismiss at pleasure all officers and employes
necessary, in their judgment, to serve and use such fire ap-
paratus for its intended purposes; and further, also, to ordain
all needful rules and regulations for the proper conduct of
such officers and employes, and penalties for the infraction
thereof; and they shall have authority to levy upon the
assessable property of the county such tax as may be necessary
to support and maintain said fire department and pay for the
necessary fire engines, hose and apparatus.

138. They shall devolve upon any person whom they may
select, full power to investigate the cause of any and all fires
that may happen in said county, whenever they deem such in-
vestigation expedient or necessary; and such person, charged
by them with such inquiries, shall .have power to summon
and compel the attendance of all necessary witnesses, and to


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 422   View pdf image (33K)
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