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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 420   View pdf image (33K)
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and to the Patapsco river; thence along the shores and inlets of
the Patapsco river to the centre of Bear creek; thence along
the center of Bear creek and along one of the headings of said
creek to a point nearest the point of intersection of the
North Point road and a private right-of-way leading to Keller's
pavilion and park, and near what is known as Long's Battle
Ground House; thence along the east side of said North Point
road, in a northerly direction, to the south side of the Phila-
delphia road; thence along the south side of the Philadelphia
road to the intersection of the south side of the Philadelphia
road and the Back River Neck road; thence in a northerly
direction, crossing said Philadelphia road to the north side
thereof; thence along the north side of said Philadelphia
road to the place of beginning; and all that portion of Balti-
more county in this section described, being all that portion
of the Twelfth Election District of Baltimore County, as
formerly constituted, shall be known and designated as the
Fifteenth Election District of Baltimore County.

125B. No corporation shall be hereafter formed in Balti-
more county for the purpose of conducting the business of
manufacturing, selling or dealing in electric light, power, or
any other form of electrical energy.

125c. The charter of every corporation or company here-
tofore organized, whether incorporated under the general law
or by special Act, having by its charter or any amendments
thereof, power and authority to manufacture, sell or furnish
quantities of electric light or electric power within Baltimore
County, is hereby amended so as to repeal all its rights, power,
privilege and franchise to manufacture, sell and dispose of
electricity or electric energy for light and power purposes in
Baltimore county unless said corporation or company shall
actually at the time of the passage of this Act be exercising
said powers, privileges and franchises or some of them within
Baltimore county.

126. When the lands of any two persons adjoin, each of
them shall make and maintain one-half of the whole length
of the line of fence between them, and if either of said
persons shall fail or neglect to make his proportion of said
fence, or to keep or put the same in good repair within sixty
days after he shall have been notified and requested to do so
in writing, then the party making said request may make or
repair said fence at the expense of the party so neglecting or
refusing, to be recovered from him in an action of debt, with
costs of suit.


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 420   View pdf image (33K)
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