expense shall be a lien upon the property in favor of the Mayor
and Council; to regulate sales upon the streets, alleys and pub-
lic places of the town, and license, tax and regulate public
hackmen, draymen, omnibus drivers, carters, cabmen, porters,
expressmen, haulers, bill posters and other persons pursuing
like occupations and prescribe their compensation, and to
license and regulate peddlers, hawkers and vendors of mer-
chandise and patent medicines and traveling circuses and shows
of every description; to establish and regulate the station house
or lockup for temporary confinement of violators of the laws
and ordinances of the town, and to erect a suitable building
to be used as a Council chamber and a house for fire apparatus;
to suppress vagrancy; to open and close streets, roads, lanes
and alleys, and to establish footways when in their judgment
the public welfare or convenience may require; to provide for
ascertaining whether any and in what amount damages shall
be, caused thereby, for which the owner or possessor of any
property through which such street, road, lane or alley may
pass are to be compensated; to provide for granting appeals
to the Circuit Court for Allegany county from the decision of
commissioners or any other persons appointed in virtue of any
ordinance; to ascertain the damage occasioned by the opening,
closing or establishing or altering of streets, roads, lanes or
alleys in said town, and for securing for the person injured the
right, on application within thirty days from the return to the
commissioner, to have decided by jury trial whether any and
what damages he has sustained; to provide for collecting and
paying the compensation awarded to any person before any
street, road, lane or alley shall be opened, closed, established
or altered, and to enact all ordinances from time to time neces-
sary and proper to the exercise of the powers granted in this;
section; provided, that whenever the Council propose to open,
close, alter or establish any street, road, lane or alley they
shall give at least thirty days' notice by advertising or hand
bills to all parties interested of their intention, and the time of
consideration of such action; to provide for the codification of
all ordinances that may be passed, and the printing and pub-
lishing of the same; and the printed copy of all such ordinances
when approved by the Mayor and Council, shall be legal evi-
dence of the passage of such ordinances and of the contents
thereof in any court of this State; to provide penalties, not
exceeding twenty-five dollars in amount, or a term of impris-
onment not exceeding thirty days for the violation of ordinan-
ces, or both fine and imprisonment.
184A14. The Mayor and Council shall have the right to pass
ordinances providing for licensing, taxing, and regulating the