SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That section 205 of article 93 of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, title "Testamentary Law, " sub-title "Inventory and
List of Debts, " be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the
same applies to the city of Baltimore.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That a new section be and the
same is hereby added to article 4 of the Code of Public Local
Laws, title "City of Baltimore, " sub-title "Register of Wills, "
to be designated as section 354A, to immediately follow section
354 of said article, and to read as follows:
354A. The Register of Wills of Baltimore city shall imme-
diately after the enactment of this bill into law appoint two
general appraisers, to appraise the goods, chattels and personal
estate of all estates under administration in the Orphans'
Court of Baltimore city, who shall serve the entire term of the
present Register of Wills, unless their places shall become
vacant by removal from cause, death, resignation or otherwise;
and thereafter when any other register shall be elected or
appointed, he shall in like manner appoint four appraisers for
his full term of office. The said appraisers shall appraise the
goods, chattels and personal estates of all decedents under
administration in the Orphans' Court of Baltimore city; and
shall in each case make the charges therefor now allowed by
law and certify the same to the Register of Wills; they shall
receive an annual salary of sixteen hundred dollars each, to be
paid by said register out of the fees of the office returned by
said appraisers. The said register shall keep an accurate
account of all monies received for such appraisements, and shall
account for and pay the same except the amount required to
pay the salaries of said appraisers into the State Treasury, as
he is now required by law to account for and pay other monies
for which he is accountable to the State.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1908.
AN ACT to amend article 93 of the Code of Public General
Laws of 1904, title "Testamentary Law, " by adding thereto
a new section, under the sub-title "Orphans' Court, " to be
numbered 234, and to follow immediately after section 233.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Code of Public General Laws, article 93, title