AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections 104,
106 and 107 of article 81, of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland of 1904, title "Revenue and Taxes, " sub-title
"Payment of State taxes on Baltimore City Stock. "
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That sections 104, 106 and 107 of article 81 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland of 1904, title "Revenue and
Taxes, " sub-title "Payment of State taxes on Baltimore City
Stock, " be and the same are hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments so as to read as follows:
SEC. 104. The City Register shall on the first day of each and
every month in which the interest on any city stock is payable
make out and deliver to the Appeal Tax Court a full and accu-
rate list of the holders of all loans of the city, the interest on
which is payable in any of said respective months or during the
month for which said list is made out.
SEC. 106. The City Register shall retain from the interest
paid on all the several city loans to the holders thereof, included
in the said corrected list returned to him by the said court, the
State tax imposed for the current year on all of said loans by
this article. He shall make such deductions from the instal-
ments of interest payable from time to time on said city stock,
and he shall, as soon as practicable after the first day of Sep-
tember in each year, pay over such State tax to the State Comp-
SEC. 107. If the City Register shall at any time fail to make
out and deliver to the said court the list of holders of all the
said stock loans as herein required, it shall be the duty of the
said court to ascertain in such manner as they may deem most
accurate the amount of all said stock loans of the city of Balti-
more outstanding on the first day of each month in each year in
which such failure or refusal shall take place, and on or before
the first day of September in said year make out and deliver
one copy of a statement certified by them, showing the amount
of said stock so ascertained by them, and its assessed value,
to the City Register, and one copy thereof to the State Comp-
troller; and the City Register shall thereupon pay the. tax
aforesaid, which he is, in section 106 of this article, directed to
deduct from the interest payable on said loans; but the City
Register shall not be required to set apart and pay over the
said tax on any part of said stock loans which he may satisfy
the State Comptroller by a certificate to that effect, signed by