contained in the next succeeding section shall be made by the
State; provided, that no appropriation shall be made to any
high school not on the approved list, and which does not offer,
in addition to the academic course, the above named electric
course; and, provided further, that the appropriation shall
not be made to more than one approved high school in a county,
whose enrollment for the year ending July 1, 1907, was less
than four thousand pupils; not more than two such schools
of a county whose school enrollment for said year was less
than seven thousand five hundred pupils; and not more than
three such schools in counties whose enrollment for that year
was more than seven thousand five hundred pupils; provided,
further, that a like appropriation be made to the Baltimore City
College, Western High School, Polytechnic Institute and Eas-
tern High School of Baltimore city.
122B. The State Board of Education shall submit to the
Comptroller of the Treasury a list of such schools entitled to
receive such appropriation on or before the 20th day of August
of each year succeeding the passage of this Act; and the Comp-
troller, after receiving such an approved list, is hereby author-
ized and directed to issue his warrant upon the Treasurer of
the State for the sum of one thousand dollars, payable to the
order of the treasurer of the Board of County School Commis-
sioners or Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore city,
of the county or city in which said school or schools are located
and designated in the report made by the State Board of Educa-
tion, out of any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise
appropriated on the first day of October of each year for the
support of said approved high school to carry into effect the
purposes hereinbefore stated.
122c. The county school board receiving this appropriation
for one or more schools shall use the same exclusively for the
commercial course of the high school department and shall
make a detailed report to the State Board of Education
annually, on or before July -31st, of the expenditures of the
fund, the number of students in high school grades, the number
pursuing a commercial course and the salaries paid the teach-
ers of said department.
122D. Any pupil of the county wherein said approved high
school is located who has completed satisfactorily all the grade
work to and including the ninth-year grade shall be admitted to
said commercial course.
122E. Any graduate of the department of pedagogy of any
reputable college or university, maintaining a department of
pedagogy, that has been approved by the State Board of Educa-