Appointing a joint committee of the two Houses of the General Assembly
to confer with the Governor upon the subject of the State's con-
struction and improvement of public roads in the State of Maryland.
Whereas the Honorable Austin L. Crothers, Governor of Maryland,
in his inaugural, has recommended certain legislation upon the sub-
ject of the State's construction and improvement of public roads in
the State of Maryland, and has invited a conference on the part of
the members of the Legislature with a view to accomplish this result;
therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a committee
consisting of five members of the House of Delegates and three of the
Senate be appointed by their respective bodies to confer with Governor
Crothers upon this subject, and when these resolutions become effective,
that the said committee shall be appointed and directed to hold said
conference and report the result thereof to the respective .bodies from
which they are appointed.
Resolved, That this General Assembly approves of the recommenda-
tion of the Governor and the members thereof pledge themselves to most
hearty co-operation with his recommendation.
The Speaker named on the part of the House of Delegates Messrs.
Benson, Williams, Peach, Carr, and Jackson of Dorchester county.
The President named on the part of the Senate Messrs. Gorman,
Moore and Mathias.
Joint resolution of the General Assembly of Maryland directing the
Attorney General of the State of Maryland to appear before the Inter-
state Commerce Commission of the United States and take such steps
as may be proper and necessary to have the State of Maryland made
a party complainant in the case of The George's Creek Basin Coal
Company of Allegany county vs. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad
Company and the Western Maryland Railroad Company, now pending
before said commission with the view of protecting the interests of
the State of Maryland as the same may be involved in said proceed-
ings before said commission, and with a view also of bringing about a
cessation of any discriminating rate charged by said railroad com-
panies or either of them for the carriage of Maryland coal, and also
authorizing and directing the Attorney General of the State to take
such other steps by independent proceedings in the name of the State
or otherwise, either before said Interstate Commerce Commission or
in any court of this State or of the United States as he may deem
necessary to secure the cessation of any such discrimination.
Whereas the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company, a corpora-
tion of the State of Maryland, in the interest of the Consolidation Coal
Company, a coal corporation of the State of Maryland, in which the
said railroad company has a large interest and over which it exer-