box. In counting the ballots no ballot shall be rejected because
the cross mark projects beyond the lines of the square at the
right of the name of the candidate voted for, and no ballot
shall be counted where the voter has made a cross mark to the
right of the name of more than one candidate for United States
Senator. All ballots cast in said elections must be carefully
preserved for thirty days after the election by the State Cen-
tral Committee of each party aforesaid for the several counties
and legislative districts of Baltimore city.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the expenses, of con-
ducting said primary election of each political party aforesaid,
in each county and legislative district aforesaid, shall be de-
frayed by the State Central Committee of each of said parties
and the several committees for the several counties and legis-
lative districts of Baltimore city shall send an itemized state-
ment of the expenses in their several counties and legislative
districts to the chairman of the State Central Committee for
the entire State of their respective parties not later than the
last day of October, and it shall be lawful for the said chair-
man of the State Central Committee for the entire State of
each of said political parties to contribute, towards defraying
the expenses of said primary elections of the political party for
which said chairman respectively may be acting, subject, how-
ever, to existing laws of this State limiting the amounts and
purposes of expenditures at or concerning primary elections in
this State.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted. That upon the completion
of the count of the. ballots cast at said Senatorial primary elec-
tions, the judges and clerks in each election precinct or district
shall certify, sign and seal a statement of the result of said
count upon suitable blanks to be furnished by the State Cen-
tral Committee of each party, and transmit such certificate and
statement to the State Central Committee of the appropriate
party for the several counties and legislative districts respec-
tively, and each State Central Committee of each of said parties
shall forthwith tabulate and ascertain the result in said coun-
ties and legislative districts respectively as shown by said
statement from said precincts and election districts, and within
three days after such tabulation and ascertainment shall make
out and forward to the chairman of the State Central Commit-
tee for the whole State of each of said political parties an offi-
cial report thereof. Within three days after the receipt of said
official report by the chairman of each political party aforesaid,
it shall be his duty to publish in two or more newspapers within
this State, as he shall select, one of the same, however, to be
published in Baltimore city, the result of such primary election