SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That the State Central
Committee of each of said political parties aforesaid in each
county shall appoint the judges and clerks as aforesaid to con-
duct said primary elections for each of said political parties,
and the names and addresses of the judges and clerks so ap-
pointed shall be certified to the chairman of the State Central
Committee of the whole State for the political party for which
said judges and clerks may be appointed on or before the 15th
day of October of the year in which such Senatorial primaries
may be held, and they shall supply to each polling place of their
respective parties a ballot box, and said State Central Com-
mittee of each of said parties for each of said legislative dis-
tricts and each of said counties shall send at least one list of
the registered voters in each precinct of said legislative district
of Baltimore city and in each election precinct or district of
each of said counties, which list shall be used by the judges and
clerks at such primary elections in the same way as the books
of registry are now used at the municipal and county elections
for the purpose of ascertaining who is entitled to vote at the
said primary elections of said respective parties and of indicat-
ing thereon the persons who shall have voted therein. Upon
each registration list furnished to the judges and clerks, as
aforesaid, they shall mark the letter "V" at the side of the name
of each voter as he has voted, and before they commence to
count the vote in the ballot box there shall be a comparison be-
tween the registration list and the tally clerk's list to see that
they agree and they shall be made to agree, if possible, before
the ballot boxes are opened. None but registered voters who
shall declare that they have voted the ticket of the party in
whose Senatorial primary election they shall apply to vote, at
the general election held on the same day as said Senatorial
primary election, shall be permitted to vote in said primary
election. Challengers and watchers shall be allowed to be
present while the votes are being received and counted, as pro-
vided in Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws; each
candidate shall be allowed to name one watcher at each polling
place of his party.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the chairman of the State Central Committee for the whole
State of each of said political parties to cause to be printed a
sufficient number of ballots of the party to which he may be-
long for each polling place of his party in each precinct and
election district, which ballots shall contain the names of all
candidates of said respective parties, the surname of the candi-
date determining his place under the alphabetical arrangement
as provided in Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws-