ACT. 33. ] ELECTIONS. 117
visions of this Act. And the State Central Committees of each
of the said political parties of the several counties shall cause
to be printed on the official primary ballots hereinbefore
referred to, the names of all candidates for any State office
arranged alphabetically according to the surnames of the
candidates for each State office so that the same may be voted
upon and in the manner hereinbefore in this Act -provided
with reference to candidates for county offices; and all can-
didates of any of said parties for any such State office shall
file with the State Central Committee of his party for the
State, a copy of which shall be promptly forwarded by the
chairman of such State committee to the chairman of each
State Central Committee for the several counties, a certifi-
cate in writing containing his name, residence, business, busi-
ness address and the offices for which he seeks to be
nominated, such certificate in writing to be filed as afore-
said twenty days before the primary election in which
such candidate proposes to run; and within ten days after
filing such certificate as aforesaid the candidate filing the
same shall pay to the State Central Committee of the State
of the party to which he belongs and whose nomination he
seeks, such sum as such State Central Committee for the State
may assess him for, all candidates for the nomination for the
same office to be assessable only for the same amount. The
primary elections in the several counties for nominations for
State offices shall be conducted under and in accordance with
the provisions hereinbefore contained in respect to the nomina-
tions for county offices.
SEC. 160o. The president of the Board of Supervisors of
Elections of Baltimore city shall ascertain and fix the day for
holding the primary elections for nominations for State offices
in the several legislative districts of Baltimore city. And the
day so to be ascertained and fixed by said president of said
board for State primaries in said legislative districts, may be
the same as the day fixed and ascertained in the several coun-
ties for the primary elections for nominations for State offices.
Each candidate for a State office shall file, twenty days before
the primary election in which he proposes to run for the nomi-
nation for a State office with the Supervisors of Elections of
Baltimore city a certificate in writing containing his name,
residence, business, business address and the office for which he
seeks to be nominated and the party to which he belongs and
whose nomination he seeks, and shall also make the payment
to said Supervisors of Election of the sum required by the
primary election law of Baltimore city of candidates for nomi-
nation for offices under said law; and the said Supervisors of