ACT. 33. ] ELECTIONS. 115
action of the grand jury or a justice of the peace, as the case
may be.
SEC. 160K. Any judge or clerk of the primary election, or any
member of any such committee, or of the governing body, hold-
ing primary elections under this Act, on whom any duty is
required in this Act to be performed, who shall be guilty of any
wilful violation of any provision of this Act or of any neglect
or corrupt practice in executing the same, not otherwise pro-
vided for herein, he or they shall, upon conviction thereof, be
punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor
more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in jail
for not less than thirty days, nor more than ninety days, or by
both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.
SEC. 160L. And be it enacted, That each return judge who
shall serve in connection with each primary election held under
the provisions of this Act, shall be paid the sum of nine dollars
for his services and each judge and each clerk three dollars
therefor, to be paid by the County Commissioners of each
county, and that the cost of the books and of making the list
of voters provided for in this Act and keeping the same posted
and corrected shall also be paid by the Board of County Com-
missioners for each county, provided that the cost of making
such lists shall not exceed one hundred dollars, and the cost
for posting and correcting the same in any one year thereafter
shall not exceed the sum of twenty dollars, and all other costs
incident to the holding of primary elections provided for in
this Act shall be borne by the governing bodies of the parties
in each county holding such primary elections.
SEC. 160M. The member of the State Central Committee or
governing body of each party in any county, in calling any
county convention of each party to order, shall announce the
name and address of the delegate who were elected at the
primary election as delegates to the said convention. All nomi-
nations made by said convention shall be certified to by the
presiding officer and the secretary of the convention, as re-
quired by Article 33 of the Code of Public General Laws. If
the nominations for county officers are made by means of a
direct vote at the primary election the certificates shall be
signed and acknowledged by the State Central Committee or
other governing body of the respective political parties of the
several counties or a majority of them in the manner prescribed
for nominations by convention as required by Article 33 of the
Code of Public General Laws.
SEC. 160N. Every candidate for the nomination for a State
office, that is to say, for an office filled by the vote of all the