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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)
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ACT. 33. ] ELECTIONS. 101

the words "Voter's name" with a line drawn thereunder for
writing said name, and under the same line the words "Number
of Voter, " followed by a blank space for the insertion of num-
ber. Before distribution said ballots shall be so folded in
marked creases that no part of the marks or printing thereon,
excepting that upon the back and outside, and that upon the
detachable stub or coupon shall be visible, and so that the
folded ballot shall be of uniform width and length and of proper
width to be deposited in the ballot boxes; all ballots when
printed shall be folded as above provided, and fastened together
in convenient numbers in packages, books or blocks, so that
each ballot may be detached and removed separately.

122. At least thirty days before every State election the
Attorney General shall prepare full instructions for the guid-
ance of voters of such election, as to obtaining ballots, as to the
manner of marking them, and as to obtaining new ballots, in
place of those accidentally destroyed, with such other instruc-
tions as shall, in his opinion be necessary and proper; said in-
structions shall be furnished by the Secretary of State to the
several Boards of Supervisors of Election, who shall respect-
tively cause the same to be printed in large clear type, on sepa-
rate cards, to be called "Cards of Instruction, " and said Boards
of Supervisors shall furnish twelve of the same with ballots
for use in each election precinct, on the morning of said elec-
tion; the said Supervisors of Election shall cause to be con-
spicuously posted in each polling place said cards of instruc-
tions, and one of said cards of instruction shall be fixed in each
booth or voting compartment; not less than three of said cards
shall be posted outside of the guardrails, and not less than three
of each of same shall be securely and conspicuously posted on
the outside of the building in which the polls are held before the
balloting begins, in such positions that the same may be easily
examined by the public; it shall also be the duty of the several
Boards of Supervisors of Elections, on the morning of said elec-
tion, to cause to be conspicuously posted in each polling place
and in each voting booth of each polling place, separate tickets
or lists containing the names of the candidates of each political
party, with a designation of the several offices for which they
are candidates, so that voters may thereby be aided in selecting
the candidates for whom they wish to vote and in marking the

official ballot accordingly.

SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall not apply to
Baltimore city, Baltimore, Wicomico, Carroll, Washington, Al-
legany, Cecil, Montgomery, Howard, Caroline, Harford, Fred-
erick and Garrett counties.


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Session Laws, 1908 Session
Volume 483, Page 101   View pdf image (33K)
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