AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section 55
of Article 5 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Mary-
land, title " Calvert County," sub title " County Commie
sioners," as repealed and re enacted with amendments by the
Act of 1894, Chapter 209.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted Inj the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That section 55 of Article 5 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Calvert County," sub-title
"County Commissioners," as repealed and re-enacted with amend-
ments by the Act of 1894, chapter 209, be and the same is
hereby repealed and re enacted with amendments, so as to read
as follows :
55 The County Commissioners shall immediately after the
passage of this Act, appoint a clerk to their board, who shall
hold his office until his successor is appointed and qualified,
and who shall receive as compensation for his services as such
clerk the sum of four hundred dollars per annum and no more, to
be levied for by said Commissioners as is usual in such: cases ;
and hereafter it shall be the duty of said Board of Commis-
sioners immediately after any general election, when a new
commissioner or commissioners is or are elected and their board
shall have been re organized, to appoint a clerk to serve for the
term of two years or until his successor is appointed and
qualified, who shall receive the same salary as hereinbefore
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all Public Local Laws or
parts of laws, and section 3 of chapter 183 of the Acts of
1890, relating to the treasurer of Calvert county, so far as they
are inconsistent with this Act, be and the same are hereby
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from, the date of its passage.
Approved April 7, 1898.
AN ACT to provide for the placing of two statues of dis-
tinguished deceased citizens of Maryland in the Hall of
Statuary in the Capitol at Washington, and to appropriate a
sum of money therefor.