AN ACT to provide for a State subscription to Perkins'
Annotated Maryland Reports.
WHEREAS, The greater pa'rt of the Maryland Reports pub-
lished since the year eighteen hundred and fifty-one is out of
print ; and
WHEREAS, No sets of the said reports are now in the State
library, available for distribution ; and
WHEREAS, A new annotated edition of said reports is now
being published ; and
WHEREAS, The judges of the Court of Appeals, the judges
of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city, the associate judges
of the State, and prominent members of the legal profession
have commended said edition and urged the necessity of hav-
ing the same applied to all the courts of the city and State, for
the prompt and accurate administration of justice ; and
WHEREAS, Said edition is a continuation of Brantly's Anno-
tated Maryland Reports, for which a State "subscription of one
hundred sets for the use of all the courts of Maryland
and the State library was authorized "by the Act of 1884,
chapter 244.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the State Librarian be and he is hereby
authorized to subscribe in the name of the State for thirty-five
sets of Perkins' Annotated Maryland Reports at not more
than four dollars per volume, bound in law sheep, and upon the
delivery of thirty-five copies of each of the volumes to the
State library, the librarian shall issue a certificate of the
receipt thereof, and upon the presentation of such certificate
and also a certificate of approval from the Attorney General,
the Comptroller of the Treasury is hereby directed to issue his
warrant for the sum of one hundred and forty dollars and the,
Treasurer shall thereupon pay the sum to the publisher of the
said edition.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the State Librarian shall
Subscribe for
distribute one copy of said edition to each of the twenty-three
circuit courts of the State, to each of the nine courts of Balti-
more city, to the Court of Appeals and two sets to the State
of same.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the clerks of several courts
of the State, upon the receipt of the respective volumes here-
in provided for, shall send to the State Librarian such corres-
Old reports
sent to State