State, which is infested with San Jose scale, peach yellow,
pear blight or other injurious diseases, and upon examination
by the State Pathologist, State Entomologist or their assistants,
is condemned by being so infested, the said trees, plants, vines
and shrubs shall be destroyed, and the nurseryman, dealer, or
agent shall forfeit the value of such stock, and shall not collect
the same from the purchaser or consignee.
62. That the State Entomologist, State Pathologist and
State Horticulturist, shall submit annually a written report
on or before the first day of February of their inspections and
investigations to the board of trustees, which shall be trans-
mitted to the Governor of the State and the General Assem-
bly, and published, as are the reports of other State organiza-
tions, and distributed among the people of the State as
bulletins of the Maryland Agricultural Experiment Station.
63. That the report of the present State Entomologist,
including the work done by him up to the date of the passage
of this Act, shall be published and distributed as indicated and
provided for in section 62 of this Act, as the First Annual
Report of the Maryland State Entomologist.
Report to be
64. That the sum of ten thousand dollars the first year, and
eight thousand dollars annually thereafter be and is hereby
appropriated in order to carry out the provisions of this Act
and properly provide for the above described inspections ; to
employ men qualified for their respective positions ; to procure
the requisite facilities and equipment necessary for the proper
performance of the duties herein incurred, and to offer means
of support for investigation in addition to the inspection work
of the State officers, and the dissemination of information that
will promote the horticultural and agricultural interests of this
carried oat
65. That the Comptroller be and that he is hereby author-
ized to issue his warrant upon the Treasurer of the State for the
said sum of ten thousand dollars for the year eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-eight, and the sum of eight thousand dollars
annually thereafter, out of any funds not otherwise appro-
priated ; that the said sum of money shall be payable to the
Maryland Agricultural College on or before the first of Octo-
ber of each fiscal year, and the first yearly payment shall be
made during the fiscal year ending September first, eighteen
hundred and ninety-eight.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 9, 1898.