Code of Public Local Laws, title " St. Mary's County," sub-
title " Roads," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments, so as to read as follows:
100. The County Commissioners of St. Mary's county, im-
mediately after the passage of this Act, or at their first meeting
Repeal .
in April, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and thereafter
annually at their first meeting in April of every year, shall
appoint three district road supervisors for each election district
of said county ; provided, that if it shall be deemed necessary,
the said County Commissioners may appoint one additional
supervisor in each election district. The said district super-
visors shall receive such compensation for their services by way
of salary or per diem as the said Commissioners shall, in their
discretion, at said meeting fix, and such compensation shall not
be increased or diminished for the term of one year. The
said Commissioners shall at the same time fix the compensation
to be paid to laborers on the public roads. It shall be the duty
of the County Commissioners, respectively, to ride over the
public roads of each Commissioner's district in said county
during the season in which they are worked, and to advise the
said supervisors and direct as far as practicable how, when and
where the work on said road shall he done. The said road
district supervisors shall be subject to the advice of the County
Commissioners representing such respective commissioner dis-
trict. The supervisors shall have exclusive control over all of
their respective laborers, teams, etc., during the time they are
at work on said roads, and each district road supervisor is
authorized to employ not more than six laborers, and in no case
shall any such supervisor employ lees than three laborers when
at work on said roads during the time limited for working
thereon. Each district supervisor shall keep an account of all the
material purchased, the number of days of labor performed by
himself and the laborers hired by him, with other expenses author-
ized by this sub title of this Article which may be thus incurred,
and shall once in each month render such account to the County
Commissioners, who, upon approving such account, shall draw
their warrant on the collectors for the same, when cash available
therefor is not on hand. The time for beginning work on said
roads shall be on the first day of May and shall end on the
first day of November ; provided, however, that the County
Commissioners shall be authorized to begin and finish such
work later or earlier, as the case may be, when in their discre-
tion it is for the best interest of the citizens of said county ;
but nothing in this Act shall authorize any supervisor to do
of three dis-
trict road,
for each