SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That the money arising from the
Money to be
paid to tbt
ment com-
sale of said bond (which said bonds shall be sold either at auc-
tion or by sealed bids after due advertisement thereof, to the
highest responsible bidders, and shall not be sold for less than
their par value,) shall be paid to the Improvement Commission
for water works and sewers for the town of Hyattsville, and
be by them deposited in some safe banking institution. The
Commissioners shall keep in a book to be kept for the purpose
a full registry of the bonds sold, the serial numbers of the
bonds and the names and addresses of the purchasers and
amounts realized on sale.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the fund realized from
the sale of bonds shall be applied to the purposes of this Act
How funds
are to be
and none other, and shall be paid by check signed by the presi-
dent and countersigned by the secretary of the Improvement
Commission for water works and sewers for Hyattsville, only
on order in writing of the said Improvement Commission; and
the said Improvement Commission is authorized and empow-
ered to adopt such orders for the payment of moneys due and
payable to the contractors for the construction and establish-
ment of said water works and sewers as shall from time to
time be earned by said contractors in the prosecution of the
said work, and also from time to time to adopt orders for pay-
ment for property purchased or condemned and for material
and labor furnished in pursuance of the provisions of this Act.
The said Improvement Commission may, in its discretion, em-
ploy a competent engineer to prepare the specification and
plans for the said water works and sewers and to superintend
their construction and establishment. The Improvement Com-
mission shall invite sealed proposals, by advertisement for a
reasonable length of time, for the construction of said water
works and sewers, which proposal shall be sent in sealed enve-
lopes, addressed to the president of the said Commission, and
by the said Commission shall be publicly opened on the day
named in said advertisement, at the office of the Town Com-
missioners of Hyattsville. Said proposals shall set forth the
amount of money for which the parties proposing will con-
struct such water works and sewers, or any specified part or
portion thereof, according to the plans and specification sub-
mitted, and the time when said water works will be completed
and ready for use ; und the said Improvement Commission may
reject any and all bids, or award the contract to any responsi-
ble bidder therefore, at their discretion, requiring any accepted
bidder to give bond, in such penalty as said Commission shall