the Board of Supervisors shall immediately and before the
first day of August in .each year give notice of the names of
all such judges, and after the other judges and clerks are
appointed, shall before the 1st day of October give notice of
the names of all such other judges and clerks, giving in every
Notice given
case the residence of each clerk or judge, and the precinct or
election district for which he is selected, by causing the same,
in the several counties, to be published once a week, for two
successive weeks, in two or more newspapers printed in each
comity, one of which papers, if possible, shall be of opposite
political faith from that of a majority of such supervisors; and
each of said papers to be that of their respective political
faiths, and if no newspaper be published in such county, then
by posting such notice in three of the most public places in
such county ; and in Baltimore city, to be published on two
successive (lays in all of the daily papers printed in the
English language in said city, which shall be willing to publish
the same at their current rates for advertising. Said board, in
appointing judges and clerks, and in the notice thereof, shall
designate the persons intended by them to represent the politi-
cal parties, respectively. It shall be the duty of the said board
to examine promptly into any complaints which may be pre-
ferred to them in writing against the fitness or qualification of
any person so appointed judge or clerk, and to remove any such
Duty of
board .
judge or clerk whom, upon inquiry, they shall find to be unfit
or incapable. The board shall forthwith appoint persons in
the manner herein before prescribed, to fill all vacancies in the
office of judge or clerk, and shall immediately make public
the names of such persons so appointed by advertisement, as
nearly as may be, as hereinbefore provided, for the original
appointment. The record of appointments to fill vacancies
shall be kept in the books as hereinbefore prescribed in section
9, which books, with the recommendations and protests made
to them, and all their other records and papers, shall always be
open to the inspection of the public. After notice, as afore-
said, of their appointment, the judges and clerks shall again be
notified to appear at the office of said board and shall then and
there, after taking the oath of office before one of said super-
visors, receive their commissions. The oath of office shall be
meriting and subscribed by each one in a book to be kept for
the purpose by the supervisors, and shall be in substance as
follows : I, residing at , in the city (or county)
of , in the State of Maryland, do solemnly swear (or
affirm) that I am a legal voter in the precinct of the
ward of the city , (or district of county) in. said State ;