ten, one justice of the peace and one constable ; for election
district number eleven, one justice of the peace and one con-
stable ; for election district number twelve, one justice of the
peace and one constable.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted. That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 2, 1898.
AN ACT to revive and renew the Charter of and continue
the corporate existence of "The Saint Yincent of Paul's
Benevolent Association,'' as incorporated by the Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, Chapter 57, session of 1840,
passed on the tenth day of February, 1841, with all the
powers heretofore granted and to amend the same, and to
change the name to "Saint Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum
of Baltimore City."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the charter and corporate existence of the Saint
Vincent of Paul's Benevolent Association be and the same is
hereby revived, renewed aud continued, under the name of
Saint Vincent's Male Orphan Asylum of Baltimore City, and
said corporation to be and it is hereby continued in existence
as a body politic and corporate for the full term of forty years
from the date of the approval of this Act and until the end of
the regular session of the General Assembly next thereafter
with all the powers heretofore granted by Act of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed February 10, 1841, except as
hereinafter amended.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Reverend John D. Boland,
Board of
Pastor of Saint Vincent's Roman Catholic Church of Balti-
more, Reverend John Hanlon, Adam Denpert, Henry S. Buck-
less, James Tighe, Peter J. Campbell, Doctor John S. Gross,
James Cavanaugh, Frank J. Murphy, Cornelius Sheehan,
Michael Wallace, Edward J. Codd, James Doyle, Washington
Wilkinson, George W. Trurnbo, Richard A. Dunn, John
McNeal, J. S. Johnson, Terrence V. McMahon and John J.
Mahon, and their successors to be elected, are hereby ap-
pointed, as the board of directors of said body corporate, for
one year.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That whenever any male child or
children, without distinction or denomination, shall be placed