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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 571   View pdf image (33K)
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sub-division of this Article shall be construed so as to prevent
children from selling or offering for sale newspapers.

884. Any person representing himself or herself to be, or
passing himself or herself off as the parent or guardian of a
child or children referred to in any of the aforesaid sections of
this sub-division of this Article, when it shall appear that such
person is not either the parent or guardian of said child, shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction by
any court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined not more
than twenty dollars and costs for each and every offence.

Boys' Home.

885. The special objects and purposes of the Boys' Home
Society shall be to shelter and protect distitute and homeless
boys, to furnish them with food, raiment and lodging, to stim-
ulate them to honest efforts to earn a livelihood, to instruct
them after working hours in moral and religious truths and in
the rudiments of education, to aid and encourage them out of
vagrancy and ignorance, to raise them up into a better life of
virtue, industry and usefulness, and generally to stand in the
relation of parent to such homeless boys.

886. The Boys' Home shall have authority to procure the
commitment of any minor in the Home, either to the House of
Refuge or to any other reformatory institution, in all cases
where, by reason of incorrigible or vicious conduct such minor
has rendered his control beyond the power of the superintend-
ent of said Home, and made it manifestly requisite that from
regard for the morals and future welfare of such minor and the
peace and order of society he should be placed in such reforma-
tory institution; and the said society shall proceed in all such
cases in the same manner in all respects as the parent or guar-
dian of such minor might or could do under existing laws.

887. The said society shall have power to place the boys
committed to their care, during the minority of such boys, at


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 571   View pdf image (33K)
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