Boundary avenue, on the west by Druid Hill avenue extended,
and on the north by Druid Hill Park.
667. No person shall offer for sale or keep for sale in the
City of Baltimore any intoxicating liquors, except as herein-
after provided; but this shall not apply to sales made by a per-
son under a provision of law requiring him to sell personal
property, nor to sales of liquors by wholesale, nor to sales by
the maker, brewer or distiller thereof, nor to sales by bottlers
of fermented liquors, not to be drunk on the premises; save and
except as hereinafter specially provided in reference to whole-
sale dealers and jobbers, brewers, distillers and bottlers, in sec-
tion 688, wherein the rights and duties of said classes of per-
sons are set forth and denned. Wherever the term intoxicating
liquors is used in this sub-division of this Article, it shall be
deemed to include whiskey, brandy, rum, gin, wine, ale, beer
and all other fermented and distilled liquors, and every mixture
of liquors which shall contain more than two per cent, by
weight of alcohol, and every mixture of liquors which shall
contain less than two per cent, of alcohol if the same shall be
intoxicating. Nothing in this sub-division of this Article shall
be construed to authorize the sale of any intoxicating liquor or
any admixture thereof in any part of said City where such sale
is or shall hereafter be prohibited by special law.
668. The Governor, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate, shall appoint three persons who shall constitute
a Boards of Liquor License Commissioners for Baltimore City,
who shall hold office for two years, and until their successors
are appointed and qualified; and their duties shall be such as
hereinafter prescribed; provided, however, that the Liquor
License Commissioners appointed in April, eighteen hundred
and ninety, shall continue in office until the expiration of the
term for which they were appointed.
669. The said Board shall appoint such clerk or clerks as
the proper transaction of the business of the Board shall re-
quire; and shall keep a full record of all applications for license,