mares, geldings, jackasses, jennies or mules, either as an indi-
vidual, copartnership, firm, corporation, joint stock company,
commission merchant, agent, factor, broker, or other associa-
tion for said purpose, without first obtaining from the Clerk of
the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore City a license for
carrying on said business, for which every such person, if he de-
sires to carry on said business individually, or if a firm or asso-
ciation, composed of not more than two persons, or corpora-
tion, shall pay the sum of fifty dollars; provided, that all the
names and places of business of said persons so applying shall
be inserted in said license; and if more than two individuals con-
stitute and compose any such firm, copartnership, joint stock
company or association, then an additional sum of twenty-five
dollars shall be paid for each and every other individual than
the said two constituting such firm, copartnership, joint stock
company or association, of individuals ; and provided further,
that the said business shall not be carried on in any of the
streets, lanes and alleys of the City of Baltimore.
662. Any person, and the individual members of any co-
partnership or firm, the stockholders of any joint stock com-
pany or corporation, and any commission merchant, agent,
factor, broker, or the individuals of any other association of
persons so engaged in or carrying on the business, trade, occu-
pation or calling of bartering, buying, selling, exchanging or
dealing in horses, mares, geldings, jackasses, jennies or mules,
who or which shall violate any of the provisions of the pre-
ceding section, shall be liable to indictment therefor, and upon
conviction thereof shall be fined one hundred dollars for each
and every offence, one-half thereof for the use of the State and
the other half thereof to the informer; provided, however, that
nothing contained in this or the preceding section shall be con-
strued to prevent breeders and owners of horses, mares, geld-
ings, jackasses, jennies or mules, and owners residing in the
counties of this State and doing business elsewhere than in
the City of Baltimore, and all owners who do not follow the
business, trade, occupation or calling of buying, vending, bar-
tering, exchanging or dealing in horses, mares, geldings, jack-
asses, jennies or mules, from offering the same for sale, barter