dition to prosecute the appeal with effect, and answer to the
landlord, his executors, administrators, in all costs and dam-
ages mentioned in the judgment, and such other damages as
shall be incurred and sustained by reason of said appeal; the
aforesaid bond shall not affect in any manner the right of the
lessor to proceed against said tenant, assignee or under tenant
for any and all rents that may become due and payable to the
lessor after the rendition of said judgment.
656. The fee and charges of the Justice of the Peace and
constables under this Article shall be the following and no
other: "First costs," to the Justice of the Peace for preparing the
written complaint and taking the affidavit of the plaintiff there-
to, twenty-five cents, and for issuing the summons to the tenant
and preparing attested copy, twenty-five cents; "second costs,"
for every judgment rendered where there is no trial, twenty-
five cents; for every judgment rendered on trial, fifty cents, and
ten cents additional for every witness sworn or examined;
"third costs," for preparing and taking the bond of tenant in
case of appeal, twenty-five cents; for the warrant for re-entry (in
case it be issued), twenty-five cents; "first costs," to the con-
stable for serving the summons, forty cents; "second costs," for
executing the warrant for re-entry, one dollar; and any Justice
of the Peace or constable who shall charge or receive more than
the actual fees prescribed for each specific act performed as the
case proceeds, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on
conviction thereof shall be subject to and pay a fine or penalty
of not less than one hundred dollars or more than three hun-
dred dollars for each offence, one-half thereof for the use of the
State, and the other half thereof to the person that shall first
prefer the charge against such offender.
657. The First Legislative District of Baltimore City shall
be and consist of the wards numbered from one to eight, both
inclusive, as said wards were laid out and numbered under the
provisions of the Act of 1898, chapter 10, approved February