found, upon any such test, that said apparatus or meter is regis-
tering gas in favor of said company, then, in the absence of any
fraud upon the part of the consumer, the said company shall
refund to the consumer an amount in lawful money equal to the
percentage that the said apparatus or meter has been register-
ing too fast, upon the bills of said consumer, registered by said
apparatus or meter, for the four months next preceding the said
test, unless the said company can prove that such inspection
and certificate do hot show the correct result; and in case such
refunding does take place, the said company shall also pay the
expenses incurred in making said test.
Gaugers of Casks and Liquors.
544. Any citizen of the State of Maryland, on application to
the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in the City of Balti-
more, and on paying one hundred dollars to the said clerk, shall
be entitled to receive a license to act as gauger of casks and
liquors, for the term of one year from the date thereof. The
person applying for said license shall, at the time of receiving
the same, take and subscribe before said cleric, an oath that he
will honestly and faithfully discharge the duties of said office.
545. No person engaged in vending or trading in or manu-
facturing casks or liquors individually, or as a partner, or as
agent, clerk or employee of a trader, vender or manufacturer of
said articles, or either of them, or any commissioned officer,
shall be licensed to act as gauger of casks and liquids.
546. Any person may sell, export or otherwise dispose of
any foreign or domestic liquors in casks, without having the
same gauged by a licensed gauger, but in cases of difference
between the buyer and seller as to the quantity, either party
may call in a gauger, and his judgment shall bind the parties.
547. The gaugers shall procure and use a correct set of
gauging instruments, and as soon as they have ascertained the
capacity of any cask they shall distinctly mark with marking
irons the capacity on the bilge near the bung, and prefix the
letter M., for the State of Maryland, and the first letter of the