525. If any alien passenger in such vessel shall be suffered
to land therefrom at any place within the distance of fifty miles
from said City, with the intent to proceed thereto otherwise
than in said vessel, the master or commander thereof shall for-
feit and pay for every such person the sum of one hundred dol-
lars, unless within forty-eight hours after the entry of the vessel,
the owner or consignee shall give bonds or pay the commuta-
tion money aforesaid.
526. All or any of the said penalties and forfeitures, as well
as the said commutation money, may be sued for in the name
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, before any Justice
of the Peace, in the same manner and subject to the same rules
and process, and the right of appeal as provided in cases of
small debts.
527. The Mayor may compound for or remit the said pen-
alties and forfeitures, and payments and recoveries, or any of
them, either before or after suing for the same, upon such terms
as the circumstances of the case may in his judgment require.
528. The Mayor and Register shall pay over to the trus-
tees for the poor of Baltimore City, semi-annually, three-fifths
of all sums of money arising from commutation by owners or
consignees of vessels as aforesaid, which shall be appropriated
by said trustees to the use of the City of Baltimore, for the
purpose of supporting the foreign paupers of the said City, and
the remaining two-fifths shall be paid to the Hibernian Society
of Baltimore, and the German Society of Maryland, in the pro-
portions mentioned in the next succeeding section.
529. All money received by the Mayor or Register for
penalties and forfeitures imposed by this sub-division of this
Article shall be distributed and paid by the Mayor and City
Council as follows: two-fifths thereof to the German Society of
Maryland, and the Hibernian Society of Baltimore, to be di-
vided between them as follows: to the German Society in pro-
portion to the amount received from and on account of German
and Swiss passengers, and to the Hibernian Society in propor-
tion to the amount received from and on account of Irish pas-