he shall be present at a meeting of said Board, for the trans-
action of business; provided, however, that in each year he
shall not receive compensation for more than thirty dollars,
and provided, also, that said compensation shall be paid out of
the fees or other sums received by said Board.
515. The said Board of Commissioners are empowered to
make such rules and regulations from time to time as in their
judgment they may deem necessary and requisite; and they
shall make a report of the condition of the Board to the Gov-
ernor biennially, on or before the first day of February, with
a full statement of their receipts and expenditures.
516. No mechanic nor laborer employed by the Mayor and
City Council of Baltimore, or by any officer, agent or contrac-
tor under it, shall be required to work more than nine hours
per day as a day's labor; provided, however, that this section
shall not apply to mechanics and laborers whose hours of labor
are already fixed at less than nine hours per day ; and provided,
further, that the provisions of this sub-division of this Article
shall not apply to the employees of the Fire Department, Bay
View Asylum or the Baltimore City Jail. Any such officer,
agent or contractor who shall require any mechanic or laborer
to work more than nine hours per day, contrary to the pro-
visions of this section, shall be fined not less than ten dollars
nor more than fifty dollars for each offence; one-half of such
fine to go to the informer ; said fines to be collected as other
fines are collected by law.
517. The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, in con-
formity with the requirements of section 105 of this Article,
is authorized and empowered to appropriate annually to the
House of Refuge and St. Mary's Industrial School, any
sum or sums of money not exceeding twenty-five thou-
sand dollars per annum, and to the Boys' Home Society
of Baltimore City, not exceeding the sum of five thousand dol-