Peace for the City of Baltimore, from the master, owner or
person in charge of the obstructing vessel, for the use of the
master, owner or person in charge of the vessel obstructed; but
such penalty shall not be recoverable where the obstruction
proceeds from any unavoidable cause.
Wharfinger and Wharves.
472. No person shall land any wood or lumber on Pratt
street wharf, between Light street and Franklin lane; and the
Mayor shall enforce the provisions of this section.
473. If any person shall violate the provisions of the pre-
ceding section he shall be subject to a fine of twenty dollars,
one-half to the informer and the other half to the State.
474. The said fine may be sued for and recovered in the
name of the State before any Justice of the Peace for said
City, in the same manner as small debts.
475. It shall be the duty of every Justice of the Peace for
said City to make an annual return to the State Treasurer, of
all fines imposed under the provisions of the aforegoing sec-
tion, and to receive and pay over the same at the time of mak-
ing said return.
476. The Mayor and City Council may regulate by ordi-
nance the time during which any goods, wares, merchandise or
other articles may remain on any wharf belonging to the City,
or on any of the public wharves other than wharves belonging
to or re'nted by the State, and that part of Pratt street wharf
reserved for the use of the State, within the said City, or the
time which the vessels, boats or scows taking in or discharging
such goods, wares or merchandise shall remain at said wharves,
and may regulate, establish and collect for the use of the City
such wharfage as they may think reasonable, upon any goods,
wares, merchandise or other articles handled at or upon and
shipped from any of such wharves.
477. Any person who shall charge, exact or receive more
than six and a quarter cents upon each cord of wood landed