end of said wharf; and all the remainder of the border sides and
surface of the said wharf, except the end and right of way
granted, is reserved exclusively for the landing of such fruits,
vegetables and other agricultural products as may be brought
from the counties to the City of Baltimore, for sale or other-
432. The said corporation is authorized and empowered to
occupy and use the wharf at the foot of Haubert street, in the
City of Baltimore, as a wharf or landing place for the ferry
boats of said company, in exclusion of all other steam ferry
boats plying in the harbor of said City.
433. It shall not be lawful for any steam ferry boat, other
than one of those belonging to the said Broadway and Locust
Point Steam Ferry Company of Maryland, to land at or use
either of the sides or the end of said wharf at the foot of Hau-
bert street, nor the end or either of the sides of the wharf at the
foot of Broadway, mentioned in section 431 of this Article;
and any and every person in charge, control or command
of any steam ferry company, other than a boat belonging
to the said company, who shall use or attempt to use the ends
or either of the sides or any part of the wharves mentioned,
for a landing place or wharf for the steam ferry boat so in his
charge, control or command, shall each be subject to, and shall
pay a fine of twenty-five dollars for each and every time the
said steam ferry boat so in his charge, control or command of
such person shall touch at either of the wharves aforesaid,
which fines shall be enforceable and collectible according
to law.
434. The said company is authorized to erect gates and
ticket houses on the wharves at the foot of Broadway and Hau-
bert street in said City of Baltimore.
435. The said corporation shall keep and run on their ferry
routes two good and substantial steam ferry boats, staunch and
seaworthy, and supplied according to the law in such cases
made and provided; and the said corporation shall so manage
the said ferry as that one of their ferry boats shall leave each