persons voted for, and the position for which the vote is given
plainly designated; and the ballots so delivered to and received
by the judges of election shall be deposited in the ballot-box
until the poll is closed.
413. It shall be the duty of the said clerks of election to
enter the name and residence of each person who casts a vote
at said election, plainly in the poll book, and also to perform
such other duties as are prescribed by this sub-division of this
Article to be by them performed.
414. No person shall be permitted to be in the room se-
lected as the polling plate of the ward during the time any such
election is being held, except the judges, clerks and such police
officers as may be designated to attend thereat by the Police
Board, upon request made to said board in writing by the exec-
utive committee of the City convention of the party holding the
election; after the election is closed any candidate, or a person
designated by him, and such other persons whom, in the judg-
ment of the judges of election, it may be proper to admit, to
guarantee the fairness of the count, shall be entitled to be pres-
ent during the counting of the ballots.
415. When the poll shall be closed, the box wherein the
ballots are deposited shall immediately thereafter be opened
by the judge or judges of election, and the said judge or judges
shall publicly, in the presence of the persons designated in the
preceding section, carefully take out the said ballots and read
distinctly and aloud the name or names written or printed
thereon, respectively, and the clerks of said election shall care-
fully enter and keep an account of the same on the poll book,
so that the number of votes for each candidate tallied thereon
may be readily cast up and known.
416. If upon opening any of said ballots there be found-
any more names written or printed thereon than there ought
to be, or if any two or more of such ballots be deceitfully folded
together, or if the purpose for which the vote is given is not
plainly designated thereon, such ballot shall be rejected and
not counted.