wherein such docket entries, original papers and proceedings
may be.
389. In all actions at law for wrongs, independent of con-
tracts, in any of the courts of Baltimore City, where the ver-
dict or inquisition of damages after default made shall be for
a sum less than fifty dollars, the cost shall be adjudged to
the defendant, unless the Court shall otherwise determine; but
the Court, before allowing costs to the plaintiff in such case,
shall be satisfied that he had good reason for not bringing suit
before a Justice of the Peace; and in all cases of appeals what-
soever from judgments of Justices of the Peace in Baltimore
City, costs shall be allowed to plaintiff or defendant, in the dis-
cretion of the Court; provided, that in all cases involving the
title to real estate, wherein the verdict or judgment is for the
plaintiff, he shall be allowed his costs.
390. If any person shall wilfully cause or procure any
bull-baiting, cock-fighting or the fighting of dogs, in the City
of Baltimore, or shall wilfully and wickedly kill, cripple or com-
mit acts of cruelty upon animals in said City, or any of the
streets, lanes or alleys thereof, every such person and those
aiding therein shall be liable to prosecution and punishment
in the Criminal Court of Baltimore as for other misdemeanors.
391. Whoever shall unnecessarily overdrive, overload,
overwork, torture, torment, deprive of necessary sustenance,
cruelly or unnecessarily beat, cruelly mutilate or cruelly kill, or
cause to procure to be so unnecessarily overdriven, overloaded,
overworked, tortured, tormented, deprived of necessary suste-
nance, cruelly or unnecessarily beaten, mutilated or killed, any
horse, ox or other animal, shall be punished by a fine of not
less than five dollars, nor more than twenty dollars, to be re-
covered on complaint of any member of the Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or by any other person, be-
fore any Justice of the Peace in Baltimore City, or before, any
Justice of the Peace or Judge of any court in any county,in this