the terms and conditions upon which each shall hold or con-,
tinue to hold his office, and the amount and mode of the com-
pensation of each, not to be diminished, however, during the
currency of a term of office; to provide for the appointment
of temporary substitutes for the said Judge and the said Clerk,
or either, when from any cause this shall be necessary for the
prompt administration of the justice of the court, and also for
the appointment of lay arbitrators as members of the said cor-
poration, for the hearing and determination of a particular
case, either in the first instance with right to the parties, or
either of them, to appeal to the said Judge, or as assessors
associated with the said Judge when parties so choose, and to
define, in such cases, the powers, duties and authority of such
lay arbitrators or assessors; and also prescribe the forms and
modes of application, procedure, pleading, practice, trial and
process in the said court, in all the necessary details thereof,
and the effect of the awards and judgments or decisions of the
said court, as to the finality or conclusiveness or otherwise
thereof, and the methods and means of securing compliance
therewith by the parties; and also to regulate the costs and
fees to be paid by the parties to any such controversy so sub-
mitted, and the amount and time and manner of payment
thereof, and the disposition of such costs and fees; provided,
however, that no such rule or regulation shall be valid if it, shall
be contrary to the general law of the State, or to natural right
or sound reason, or be intended to provide for enforcing pay-
ment or other performance of the award, judgment or decision
of the said court or Board of Arbitration by any final process of
execution otherwise than is directed in the succeeding section.
225. When, in any such case so submitted as is hereinbefore
provided, an award, judgment or decision shall have been ren-
dered by the said court or Board of Arbitration, that is, accord-
ing to the rules and regulations hereinbefore authorized, final
and conclusive upon the parties, and shall have been recorded
by the Clerk of the said Court in a book to be provided and kept
for the purpose within a time limited therefor in the said rules
and regulations, the successful party shall have the right to
have the said original award, judgment or decision in writing,
signed by those members of the said Court or Board concur-