93. The Board of Park Commissioners is authorized and
empowered to regulate the speed of vehicles and equestrians
within one mile of the approach and within the limits of said
parks and squares, and to impose the fines provided for in the
preceding section for the violation of any regulations it may
establish in this connection, to be recovered as therein pro-
94. The several members of the said Board of Park Com-
missioners shall have the power of conservators of the peace
within the limits of said parks and squares.
95. The Board of Police Commissioners of Baltimore City
is directed at the request of the Board of Park Commis-
sioners to detail from time to time such of the regular police
force of said City as the said Board of Park Commissioners may
deem necessary for the preservation of order within said parks
and squares, according to the regulations aforesaid, which
policemen shall be under the direction of said Board of Park
Commissioners, and shall have the same power in said parks
and squares that the police of the City of Baltimore have as con-
servators of the peace in Baltimore City or elsewhere.
96. In addition to the powers now or hereafter conferred
upon the Board of Park Commissioners, it is authorized to form
zoological collections within the limits of said parks or squares
by the purchase and collection of live, wild or other animals,
for the purpose of public exhibition for the instruction and
recreation of the people, with power to make contracts in re-
gard thereto ; and shall be capable at law to hold, in the name
of the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and at pleasure
to dispose of gifts, devises and other property for the use of
said collections.
97. The said Board of Park Commissioners shall have full
power to employ and compensate all persons whom, in its
judgment, it may deem proper, in maintaining and supporting
such parks, squares, springs and monuments, or any other
building, collection, garden or reservation provided for in
this Article. The distribution of the park fund for the main-