thority now lodged in the Board of Health in said City shall be
and the same is hereby transferred to the Commissioner of
Health. His salary shall be three thousand five hundred dol-
lars per annum, payable monthly, and he shall be a physician of
five years' experience and active practice at the time of his ap-
pointment. He shall perform such duties in this department
as are now required or may hereafter be prescribed by ordi-
nances not inconsistent with this Article. The Commissioner
of Health may appoint two Assistant Commissioners of Health,
a Medical Examiner and an Assistant Medical Examiner, and
a reasonable number of clerks and subordinates, and fix their
compensation, but no greater number of persons shall be ap-
pointed by or employed under said Commissioner of Health
than the public interests demand and the appropriation by the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore shall justify.
72. There may be appointed by the Commissioner of
Health, a reasonable number of Sanitary Inspectors for said
City, not exceeding fifteen, of whom two may be physicians,
and one, at least, shall be a person skilled in the matters of
drainage and ventilation; and the Commissioner of Health
from time to time may prescribe the duties of each, consistent
with the ordinances now existing or hereafter enacted, and not
inconsistent with this Article.
73. The Commissioner of Health shall appoint all in-
spectors and analysts of bakeries, bake shops, candy factories,
confectioners or other places for the manufacture of bread,
cakes, confectionery and similar food products, for the purpose
more especially of ascertaining their sanitary condition and
cleanliness, and for the purpose of ascertaining the purity,
healthfulness and wholesomeness of the flour, sugar, butter, lard
or other ingredients used in making such bread, cakes, con-
fectionery and other articles of food offered for sale in the City
of Baltimore, or intended for consumption therein, as by ordi-
nance may be prescribed.
74. The Commissioner of Health shall appoint all in-
spectors and analysts for the proper inspection of milk or any
and all other food products offered for sale in the City of Balti-