and to impose fines and penalties for interference with or injury
to the works or their appendages. To prevent the water from
being obstructed or contaminated, and to prohibit all meddling
or tampering with the water works and their appurtenances;
said fines and penalties shall be enforced and collected as other
fines and penalties are enforced and collected by law. To issue
bonds or certificates of indebtedness to an amount not exceed-
ing one million dollars, from time to time, as the same
may be required, payable at such time and bearing such
rate of interest not exceeding five per cent, per annum,
as the said City shall provide by ordinance, the proceeds
of the said bonds or certificates of indebtedness to be applied
to the purpose of constructing and completing Lake Clifton,
as proposed to be constructed on the line of the work of the
introduction of the water of the Gunpowder Falls to the City
of Baltimore, and for the acquisition of the necessary land in
Baltimore County, whereon to locate one or more reservoirs,
and for the construction of said reservoir or reservoirs, and
for obtaining such pumping machinery as may be necessary in
connection therewith, and for procuring and laying of iron
pipes or mains for the purpose of distributing said water to
the inhabitants of said City; provided, however, that the said
bonds or certificates of indebtedness shall not be issued until
the ordinance which the City is authorized to enact for such
issue shall be approved by a majority of the legal voters of
Baltimore City, at the time and place to be appointed by said
ordinance in the provision for submitting the same to the legal
voters of said City, as required by section 7 of Article XI of
the Constitution of the State. Before the City shall lay any
water pipes along any street, road, lane or avenue in the terri-
tory annexed to the City of Baltimore under the provisions of
the Act of 1888, chapter 98, upon which the Catonsville Water
Company has laid its pipes and other water appliances, the said
City shall, if said company desires to surrender said pipes and
water appliances in such street, road, lane or avenue, to the
City, pay to the said company the fair value of its water
pipes and other water appliances constructed in said street,
lane, road or avenue, and such actual damages to the said com-
pany as shall be caused by the acquisition of said pipes and
appliances by the City; and the amount so to be paid, if the said