ployed and used in the business of manufacturing in said City,
and it shall be the duty of the Appeal Tax Court to make such
abatements of taxes levied as aforesaid as may be authorized
and directed by said City by ordinance as aforesaid; pro-
vided that such abatement shall be extended to all persons,
firms or corporations engaged in the branches of manufac-
turing industry proposed to be benefited by any ordinance
passed under the provisions of this paragraph of this section;
provided further, that application for such abatement as afore-
said shall be made or verified to the satisfaction of said Court
by the oath of the party applying for the same, or other satis-
factory evidence, before the annual revision and correction of
the tax lists in each year, which said Appeal Tax Court is by
law required to make, shall be completed and returned by said
Court to the City Collector and Board of Estimates, and not
afterwards; and said Court shall further keep a record of all
abatements made by it as aforesaid, and report in writing the
aggregate amount thereof during the year to the said Mayor
and City Council of Baltimore on or before the fifteenth day
of October in each year. To extend the limits of direct taxa-
tion within the said City, from time to time, as it shall deem
expedient. To have power to provide by ordinance or other-
wise for the prompt collection of taxes due the City, and have
power to sell real estate, as well as personal property, for the
payment of taxes.
Theatrical and other Public Amusements.—To provide for
licensing, regulating and restraining theatrical or other public
amusements within the City of Baltimore.
Water.—To establish, operate, maintain and control a sys-
tem of water supply for Baltimore City, and to pass all ordi-
nances neqessary in the premises. From time to time to con-
tract for, purchase, lease and hold, in fee simple, or for a term,
of years, any land, real estate, spring, brook, water, water-
course, and also the right to use and occupy, forever or for a
term of years, any land, real estate, spring, brook, water or
watercourse which it may conceive expedient and necessary for
the purpose of conveying water into the said City for the use of
the said City and for the health and convenience of the inhabit-