Baltimore are vested in said corporation. The said corpora-
tion may receive in trust, and may control for the purposes of
such trust, all moneys and assets which may have been or shall
be bestowed upon it by will, deed or any other form of gift or
conveyance in trust for any general corporate purpose, or in
aid of the indigent poor, or for the general purposes of educa-
tion, or for charitable purposes 9f any description within the
said City. And the said corporation may dispose of, in the
manner and upon the terms in this Article provided, any prop-
erty belonging to it.
3. All the provisions of the Constitution of the State, and of
this Article shall be applicable to the portions of Baltimore
County, which, under the terms and provisions of the Act of
1888, Chapter 98, have been annexed to the City of Baltimore.
All streets, avenues, or alleys lying in any portion of Balti-
more County, which, under the provisions of said Act of 1888,
Chapter 98, became a part of Baltimore City, and which
shall have been legally condemned as streets under the pro-
visions of the Acts of Assembly of Maryland relating to streets
in Baltimore County, shall be held to be validly constituted
streets of Baltimore City in all respects as if the same had been
legally condemned as such by the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore ; and all proceedings for the laying off, opening,
grading and construction of streets, avenues or alleys, which
shall have been begun under Article 3, of the Public Local
Laws, title " Baltimore County," sub-title " Streets," shall be
proceeded with and completed under said Article and sub-title.
4. Until the year nineteen hundred, the rate of taxation for
City purposes upon all landed property situated within the said
territory annexed to Baltimore City by the Act of 1888, Chapter
98, and upon all personal property liable to taxation in said ter-
ritory, whether owned by persons, corporations or otherwise,
and upon which taxes would be paid to Baltimore County, if
said territory had not been annexed to the said City, shall at no
time exceed the tax rate of Baltimore County for the year
eighteen hundred and eighty-seven ; and until the year nine-