206. Where a check is certified by the bank on which it is
drawn, the certification is equivalent to an acceptance.
207. Where the holder of a check procures it to be accepted
or certified, the drawer and all indorsers are discharged from
liability thereon.
208. A check of itself does not operate, as an assignment of
any part of the funds to the credit of the drawer with the
bank, and the bank is not liable to the holder, unless and until
it accepts or certifies the check.
Approved March 29, 1898.
AN ACT to add additional section to Article twenty seven of
the Code of Public General Laws, title "Crimes and Pun-
ishments," sub-title "Jurisdiction, Procedure and Sentence,''
sub-division "Procedure Indictment," to be known as Section
291 A.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
New section
land, That an additional section be added to Article twenty-
seven of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Crimes and
Punishments," sub-title "Jurisdiction, Procedure and Sen-
tence," subdivision "Procedure Indictments," to be known as
section 291 A, and to read as follows :
291 A. In every indictment for robbery, larceny or embez-
zlement of any kind, when the offense shall relate to money,
and in every indictment for obtaining money by false pre-
tenses, or for receiving stolen money, or for any kind of frajidu-
lent conversion of money, and in every other indictment, when-
ever it shall become necessary to make any averment as to
money, it shall be sufficient to describe said money as so much
current money, or so many dollars, or dollars and cents, current
money, without specifying any particular coins, or notes, or
certificates, circulating as money, or other species of money ;
and such allegation, so far as regards the description of the
money, shall be sustained by proof of any amount of coin, or
notes or certificates circulating as money or other species of
money, although the particular species of coin, or notes or cer-
tificates circulating as money, or other species of money, of
which said amount was composed, shall not be proved.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved March 29, 1898.