No. 467. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Balti-
more county to grant to the Baltimore, Halethofpe and St. Denis
Railroad Company, and its connections, the right to construct and
operate railways on the public highways of said county...........
No. 468. An act to add another section to article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Corporations," sub-title "Insurance
Companies," to be known as section 128 A, to provide for insurance
of infants................ ...... ...............................
No. 469. An act to change the boundary line between Brinkley's
Election District or district number 3, and Lawson's Election Dis-
trict or district number 8, in Somerset county .... ...............
No. 470. An act to pay Edward "W. Miller, of Frederick county, late
weigher-general of grain, and D. P. Osborne, of Allegany county,,
late assistant weigher of grain, for services rendered the State in
weighing grain in Baltimore city in the year eigteen hundred and
ninety-six............ .... .......................... ..........
No. 471. An act to incorporate the Maryland Electric Railway Com-
No. 472. An act to repeal section fifteen of article ten of the Code
of Public Genera] Laws, and to re-enact the same with amendment.
No. 473. An act to refund a sum of money to Jonathan Reynolds,
treasurer of the Rising Sun Normal School Association, of Cecil
county, erroneously paid by him into the State Treasury....... ...
No. 474. An act to add an additional section to article 4 of the Pub-
lic Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Police," and to
be known as section 759 B ..... ...................... .........
No. 475. An act to incorporate the Denton and Federalsburg Rail-
road Company, and to authorize the County Commissioners of
Caroline county to subscribe to the capital stock of said corpora-
ation ................ ........... ......... ....................
No. 476. An act to repeal section 102 of article 8 of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws of Maryland, title "Baltimore County," sub-title
"Fish," and re-enact same as amended........ ... .... ..........
No. 477. An act to refund to Abram J. Williams, of Calvert county,
a sum of money paid by him to the clerk of the Circuit I Court of
Calvert county, and by said clerk paid into the Treasury of the
State, for a commission as chief judge of the Orphans' Court of
Calvert county, which commission was annulled by the courts of
the State ....................................... .......
No. 478. An act to add an additional section to article 35 of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Evidence," sub-title "Proof of For-
eign Debts and Other Instruments," to be numbered and designa-
ted as section 88 A .............. ........................ .....
No. 479. An act to amend the charter and to extend the powers of
the Hagerstown Railway Company of Washington county, Mary-
land, so as to confer upon said company, in addition to the powers
heretofore granted, the right to construct, own and operate an elec-
tric light, heat and power plant, and to furnish electricity in Wash-
ington county, Maryland ; and to amend and re-enact section 4 of
chapter 419 of the acts of 1896, relating to said railway company;
and to sanction and confirm the execution of the mortgage, and
the issuance of the bonds thereunder by the said railway company.
No. 480. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section fif ty
of article ten of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Dorchester
County," sub-title "Cambridge," and to add a sub-section to section
eighty of said article ten; and to add a sub-section to section eighty-