Public General Laws of Maryland, entitled "Corporations," and
recorded in one of the "Records of Corporations of Frederick
county, Liber No. 2, folios 265 and 266 ...........................
No. 323. An act to appropriate certain sums of money to the support
of sundry schools and charitable institutions in the State of Mary-
land, for each of the two fiscal years ending on the thirtieth day
of September, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and on the
thirtieth day of September, nineteen hundred, respectively........
No. 324. An act to repeal section forty-six of article one of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Allegany county, title "Cumber-
land," and to re-enact the same with amendments, and to add
thereto t\\o additional sections, to be known as sections 46 A and
46 B ................ ................................ .........
No. 325. An act to repeal section 128 of article 13 of the Code of
Public Local Laws of Maryland, title "Harford County, sub-title
"Fish," and in lieu thereof to enact four new sections to be known
and designated as sections 128, 128 A, 128 B and 128 e ..............
No. 327. An act to amend article tour of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title -"Mort-
gages," by adding thereto an additional section, to be numbered
section 704 A................. .............. ... ...............
No. 328. An act to change the boundary line between Surratt's and
Piscataway Election Districts in Prince George's county...........
No. 329. An act to refund to the Atlas Building Association of Bal-
timore city money erroneously paid into the State Treasury.......
No. 330. An act to incorporate the Michaels Cemetery Association
of Garrett County..... .......... ...............................
No. 381. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections 18,
19, 20, 21 and 22 of article XCIII of the Code of Public General
Laws, title "Testamentary Law," sub-title ''Administration," and
also to repeal and re-enact with amendments sections 120, 121, 122
and 123 of article XCIII of the Code of Public Laws, title "Testa-
mentary Law," sub-title ''Distribution," and to repeal sections 32
and 32 A of said article XCIII, title "Testamentary Law," sub-title
"Administration," and to add a new section to said article XCIII,
relating to the rights of surviving husbands in the estates of their
wives, to come in after section 306 of said article, and to be known
as section 306 A ........... .............................. ......
No. 332. An act to pay J6hn L. Porter, late tax collector for the
third district of Allegany county, a sum of money erroneously
paid by him into the State treasury ............ .................
No. 333. Au act to change the name of "The Seventh Ward Republi-
can Association of Baltimore City" to "The Pioneer Republican
Association of Baltimore City," and to declare valid its acts,
whether done heretofore or hereafter, under either name . .......
No. 334. An act to authorize and direct the School Commissioners
of Anne Arundel County to appropriate a sufficient sum of money
for the purchase of a site and the erection of a school house for
white children, in the eighth election district of Anne Arundel
county . ............... ......... .................... '........
No. 335. An act to repeal section 290 of article 17 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Prince George's County," sub-title
"Roads," and to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 287
of said article 17, and acts amendatory thereto ....... ...........
No. 336. An act to prohibit the issuing of any license for the sale of
spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer within three-quarters