the record of the charters of such corporations, and the appoint-
ment of agents to reside in this State...... ......................
No. 271. An act to add a new section to article two of the Code Pub-
lic Local Laws, title "Anne Arundel County," under the new sub-
title "Gaming," to be designated as section two hundred and sev-
enty-six of said article .......... ...............................
No. 273. An act to amend article seventy-seven of the Code of Public
General Laws, title "Public Education," by adding thereto a further
chapter, number 20, entitled "Manual Training and Industrial
Schools." ................................... ... ..............
No. 274. An act to add a new section to article 19 of the Code of Pub-
lic Local Laws, title "St. Mary's County," sub-title "Oysters," to
follow section 96, to be designated as sections 96 A and 96 B, and to
repeal section 46 of article 72 of the Code of Public General Laws
title "Oysters," so far as the provisions of said section are in con-
flict or inconsistent with the aforesaid new sections added to arti-
cle 19 of the Code of Public Local Laws .................. ......
No. 275. An act to repeal sections 146 C and 146 D of article eighty-
one of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Revenue and
Taxes," aad to re-enact the same with amendments; and also to
repeal section 192 of said article, so far as the same relates to the
several counties in this State outside of Baltimore city, and to add
a new section to said article applicable to the said several coun-
ties ; said sections having been added to said article by the acts of
1896, chapter 120; said new section to be known as section 192 A,
and to follow section 192 ..... ..... .... .....................
No. 276. An act to provide for the building and furnishing of a pub-
lic school building in the city of Annapolis, Maryland, and the
management of a free district school therein for colored children,
and to authorize and require the Board of School Commissioners
of Anne Arundel county to borrow money on the credit of said
county, and the Mayor, Counsellor and Aldermen of the city of
Annapolis to borrow money on the credit of said city for the pur-
pose of erecting and furnishing said building......................
No. 277. An act to repeal section 10 of article XI of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Banks," and to re-enact
the same with amendments, and to add additional sections to said
article XI, to be designated as sections 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35, and to
repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith ............
No. 278. An act to authorize the conveyance and transfer of certain
property in Fairrnount district, in Somerset county, known as the
Fairmount Academy property, to the trustees of Fafrmount
Academy, and to authorize the Comptroller of the Treasury to pay
to the said trustees the money appropriated by any acts or resolu-
tions of the General Assembly........... ........................
No. 279. An act to provide for the purchase of water works for the
town of Chestertown, in Kent county, and to authorize the com-
missioners of Chestertown to issue boiids to pay therefor, and to
levy an annual tax for the payment of such bonds and interest
thereon ... ...... ... ............................ .............
No. 280. An act to amend article eighty-one of the Code of Public
General Laws, title ''Revenue and Taxes," sub-title "Collectors and
Collections," by adding thereto a new section, to be designated
section 48 A, for the purpose of facilitating the refunding to tax
collectors over payment of taxes into the treasury of the State...... ,
No. 281. An act to grant certain additional powers and privileges to
the Baltimore, Middle River and Sparrow's Point Railroad .......