No. 281. An act to confer on the Chesapeake Beach Railway Com-
pany the powers, rights and franchises granted to the Washington
and Chesapeake Beach Railway Company by chapter 245 of the
acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-four, entitled "an act to incor-
porate the town of Chesapeake Beach, in Calvert County." ......
No. 232. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Anne
Arundel county to expend a sum of money not exceeding three
hundred dollars, for the repairing of the "Race Road" running
through Howard and Anne Arundel counties ....................
No. 288. An act to amend article fifteen of the Code of Public Local
Laws, entitled "Kent County," sub-title "Millington," by repeal
ing section one hundred and fifty-seven, one hundred and fifty-
eignt and one hundred and sixty-two as amended by the act of the
General Assembly passed at the session of eighteen hundred and
ninety, chapter three hundred and eighty-six, and to re-enact the
same with amendments .............................. ..........
No. 284. An act to amend the charter of the Baltimore and Washing,
ton Transit Company of Maryland, as incorporated under article
twenty-three of the Public General Laws of Maryland, titli "Cor-
porations," sub-title "Railways," as amended by chapter 385 of the
acts of Maryland of 1896, entitled "au act to authorize The Balti-
more and Washington Transit Company of Maryland to employ
electricity as a motive power, and to mate its charter perpetual.
by conferring upon it additional powers." ........... ...........
No. 235. An act to amend article eighteen of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title ''Queen Anne's County," sub-title "County Com-
missioners," by adding six new sections thereto, so as to constitute
a new sub-title "County Treasurer," providing for a county treas-
urer, and to define his power and duties, and to be known as sec-
tions 133A, 138 B, 133C, 133D, 133E and 133F, and to repeal laws
inconsistent therewith............................................
No. 236. An act to repeal sections 2 and 6 of cnapter 539 of the acts
of 1890, entitled "an act to amend the charter of the Guardian,
Security and Trust Company of Baltimore City," a corporation
formed under the provisions of article twenty-three of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Corporations," and to re-enact the
same with amendments, providing for the change of name of said
corporation and the time of the meeting of the stockholders for
the election of directors .... ... ... ...... ............... ...
No. 237. An act to provide for the continuance and completion of
the indexing of the records of the Prerogative Court of the Prov-
ince of Maryland ................................................
No. 288. An act to repeal chapter five hundred and seventeen of
Public Local Laws for Calvert county of the acts of eighteen hun-
dred and ninety-four, entitled "An act to encourage the killing of
hawks, big owls and crows in Calvert county."...... .............
No. 239. An act to prohibit the issuing of licenses to sell spirituous
or fermented liquors within two miles of the observatory on Brad-
dock Heights, in Frederick county ... ................... ......
No. 240. An act to repeal section 138 as repealed and re-enacted by
chapter 415 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland,
passed at its January session, 1896, to 154, inclusive, of article 20
of the Code of Public Local Laws, title "Somerset County," sub-
title "Liquor and Intoxicating Drinks," and to re-enact the same
with an amendment, so as to make a uniform law prohibiting the
sale of certain intoxicating,' spirituous and fermented liquors any-
where within the limits of Somerset county.......................