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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1318   View pdf image (33K)
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sub-title "Jurisdiction, Procedure and Sentence," sub-division
"Procedure Indictment," to be known as section 291 A.............
No. 121. An act to further amend an act entitled "an act to incorpor-
ate the Baltimore City Passenger Railway Company," passed Feb-
ruary thirteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and to grant to


said corporation certain additional powers .....................
No. 122. An act to add a new section to Article 8 of the Code of
Public Local Laws, title "Cecil County," sub-title "County Com-
missioners," to follow section 112, and to be designated as section


112A....... ............ ......................... .............

No. 123. An act to repeal article 4, entitled "City of Baltimore," of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, and the several acts
and parts of acts amendatory thereof, and to re-enact said article
4 with amendments, under two sub-titles, to be known as "Charter"


and "Miscellaneous Local Laws." ........................... ...
No. 125. An act to authorize the town of Takoma Park to borrow
money on the credit of said town for the purpose of constructing
and maintaining water works, a sewerage system and an electric
light plant for said town, to issue bonds for the payment of the
same and to levy taxes to redeem said bonds and to pay the in-


terest thereon.............. ......... ............ ... ..........
No. 126. An act to repeal and re-enact with amendments section 207
of article 17 of Public Local Laws, as amended by the acts of 1894,
chapter 127, and to add an additional section to said article of the


Public Local Laws, to be known as section 246 K .................
No. 127. An act to regulate the compensation of the County Com-
missioners of Queen Anne's county and to add a sub-section to
section 126 of article eighteen of the Code of Public Local Laws,
entitled "Queen Anne's County," sub-title ''County Commission-
ers," to be designated as section 126 A, and to repeal all laws incon-


sistent therewith, as follows ........ ........... .... .........

No. 128. An act to amend the Act of Assembly, January session,
1872, chapter 50, entitled "An act to amend the act of January ses-
sion, 1865, chapter 206, entitled 'An act to incorporate the Lincoln
Coal, Iron, Fire-brick and Oil Company of Allegany County,' by
adding thereto certain additional sections, changing its name and
providing for an increase in the number of directors of the said
company, and of its capital stock, and for the appointment of a
vice-president to said company," providing for the reduction of
the capital stock, and of the number of shares into which said cap-


ital stock so reduced shall be divided....... ......... ............
No. 129. An act to provide for the making of topographic maps and
for the publication of reports of the ytate Geological and Eco-


nomic Survey, and to make an appropriation therefor.......... ...
No. 180. An act to lay out and establish a new election district in
Prince George's county out of portion of district No. 3, or Marl-
boro election district, and election district No. 6, or Spalding's
election district, to be called election district No. 15, or Mellwood


district ...... ......................................... .......
No. 181. An act to add two additional sections to article 13 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland, entitled
"Harford County," one under sub-title "Almshouse," to follow
section 20 of said article, and to be known as section 20 A, and the
other under sub-title "Sheriff," to follow section 253, and to be


known as section 253 A ........................ .......... ......
No. 182. An act providing for a State subscription to the "Third
Edition of Pleading and Practice in Courts of Common Law, by


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Session Laws, 1898 Session
Volume 482, Page 1318   View pdf image (33K)
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